Quotation Explorer - 'Says'

If you want to say it with flowers, a single rose says : "I'm cheap!"
When your ex says "I miss you", that means the person they tried to replace you with has failed. - Manasa Rao Saarloos
She always says I'm the best friend that she's ever had... how do you hang up on someone who needs you that bad? ~From 'Laura' on The Nylon Curtain - Billy Joel
It's like this," Nana says. "All your life you're yellow. Then one day you brush up against something blue, the barest touch, and voila, the rest of your life you're green. - Tess Callahan
The Church says that the Earth is flat, but I know that it is round. For I have seen the shadow of the earth on the moon and I have more faith in the Shadow than in the Church. - Magellan
Do it now eventhough your Lazy mind says, Will do later - -
A good character not only sees but also says always all good things about a right person to the enormous people, and notably even speaks often about all wrong things of the bad people to a righteous person. - Anuj Somany
It almost contradicts itself," she says after a moment. "It's as if there is love and loss at the same time, together in a kind of beautiful pain. - Eric Morgenstern
A Japanese proverb says fall seven times, stand up eight. We can also say this: Hate zero times, love infinitely! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Courage is holding on one minute longer than everyone else. Courage is stepping forward when every fiber of your being says step back. Courage is being willing to do the impossible because it is the right thing to do. - Blaine Lee Pardoe
Ish #109 "If MapQuest says make a right, go straight. You'll get there quicker. - Regina Griffin
If we could follow the slogan that says,"Turn off the TV and open a good book" we would do something of substance for a future generation. - Gordon B. Hinckley
Believe everything the Word says about you - Sunday Adelaja
It's all about vanity, isn't it? I think it says something about people if they can't do it - Gwendoline Riley
, when asked how to strike a better balance between family, work and self-realisation says: "You need the intention, good scheduling, and you have to be creative. If you don't find time to practice, one of the three is missing. - Elizabeth Mattis-Namgyel
When a child is locked in the bathroom with water running and he says he's doing nothing but the dog is barking, call 911. - Erma Bombeck
It's terrific, Clare," Henry says, and we stare at each other, and I think, "Don't leave me. - Audrey Niffenegger
I heard of a manwho says words so beautifullythat if he only speaks their namewomen give themselves to him.If I am dumb beside your bodywhile silence blossoms like tumors on our lipsit is because I hear a man climb stairsand clear his throat outside our door. - Leonard Cohen
Relationships are never complicated. You’re either together or you’re not. If someone says it’s complicated, it really just means someone’s killing time until something better comes along. - Teresa Lo
The man who has strong opinions and always says what he thinks is courageous - and friendless.
That little man in black over there, he says women can't have as much rights as men, 'cause Christ wasn't a woman! Where did your Christ come from? From God and a woman! Man had nothing to do with Him. - Sojourner Truth
Immature love says, "I love you because I need you." Mature love says, "I need you because I love you." - Erich Fromm
What we call the Lord's prayer is actually the Disciple's Prayer because It says "Forgive us our trespasses" and Our LORD Jesus had no sin. Selah - Kingsley Opuwari Manuel
When somebody says it’s not about the money, it’s about the money. - H.L. Mencken
Death tugs at my ear and says: "Live, I am coming." - Oliver Wendell Holmes
Q: But what do you think that the Bible, itself, says? Don't you know how it was arrived at?A: I never made a calculationQ: What do you think?A: I do not think about things I don't think about.Q: Do you think about things you do think about?A: Well, sometimes. - Scopes Trial
Pretend that every single person you meet has a sign around his or her neck that says, "Make me feel important." Not only will you succeed in sales, you will succeed in life. - Mary Kay Ash
nothing but a soul can feel what the heart says nothing but a soul can understand what the mind says. - Sarah Pussell
I don't want to express alienation. It isn't what I feel. I'm interested in various kinds of passionate engagement. All my work says be serious, be passionate, wake up. - Susan Sontag
To me, the body says what words cannot. I believe that dance was the first art. - Martha Graham
Anyone who says he can see through women is missing a lot. - Groucho Marx
Indecision has a way of not moving forward. And who says time doesn't stand still? - C.C. Wyatt
The one-eyed view of our universe says you must not look far afield for problems. Such problems may never arrive. Instead tend to the wolf within your fences. The packs ranging outside may not even exist. - Frank Herbert
Mom lies down next to me and we both stare at the ceiling in complete silence. Boys are like candy, she suddenly says. I grin. Really, Mom? That’s your advice? Boys are like candy. What is that? Forrest Gump on teens? - Rucy Ban
The friend who holds your hand and says the wrong thing is made of dearer stuff than the one who stays away. - Barbara Kingsolver
"Knowledge, without common sense," says Lee, is "folly; without method, it is waste; without kindness, it is fanaticism; without religion, it is death." But with common sense, it is wisdom with method, it is power; with clarity, it is beneficence; with religion, it is virtue, and life, and peace.
Jesus says we are blessed when we are hated, ostracized, insulted, and ridiculed on earth, because of Him. - brother Billy
When someone says you can't do something because of XYZ, is that true? Or are they playing with your life with their good intentions to keep you safe? - Richie Norton
One says the things which one feels the need to say, and which the other will not understand: one speaks for oneself alone. - Marcel Proust
Nothing is impossible, the word itself says, I’m possible! - Audrey Hepburn
The coward says in his heart There is no love. Because, standing in the shadows of the big, grand, and powerful existence of love, his small spirit is left feeling even smaller and less significant. And so he chooses to deny the existence of love altogether. Because he is too small to have it. - C. JoyBell C.
Your ears hear much,but your heart hears more.Your eyes see much,but your mind sees more.Your toungue says much,but your soul says more.Your feet travel much,but your imagination travels more.Your hands do much,but your mind does more. - Matshona Dhliwayo
When the heart says yes it is difficult for the mind to say no. - Matshona Dhliwayo
The headline reads, "Docs say patients make them prescribe useless antibiotics." This puts a physician in roughly the same predicament as a serial killer. The latter says, "Stop me before I kill again, while the former says, "Stop me before I prescribe again."
I want to earn more money but my body says "I'm tired," and my spirit says "I have no desire," whoever said "I'm not a trinity" is a complete liar! - Tice Davids aka David T. Parker
There are three kinds of people in this world. One say I believe in God. Another say, I don’t believe in God, it doesn’t exist. Third one says, I have my life to live; I don’t want to believe in imaginary stuff in life and I am not here to prove your theory on imagination is wrong or right. - Vivek Thangaswamy
You can walk away and say "We don't need this." but something in your eyes says "We can beat this. - Taylor Swift
When someone says "just saying" what they really mean is, "You would be a colossal idiot to not take my advice." (on Facebook) - Stephen Altrogge
There is no one, says another, whom fortune does not visit once in his life; but when she does not find him ready to receive her, she walks in at the door, and flies out at the window.
It sure does, Ben, it definitely does...this is definite...it specifically clearly, unequivocally says that Russia and other countries will enter into war and God will destroy Russia through earthquakes, volcanoes... - Pat Robertson
An opportunity fordoing an injury happens a hundred times a day, hut for doing good not once a year," says Zoroaster. - Voltaire
How often do I stand in abject terror and raw trepidation before the impossible peaks that soar to impossible heights in front me, when God turns to me and calmly says what mountains? - Craig D. Lounsbrough
America seemed like a place for honest people. The United States of America. The land of the free and the home of the brave. The most righteous, politically correct and awesomest country in the world. It even says "in god we trust" on the dollar bills. God bless America. - Carlito Sofer, Nik Krasno
Sometimes there’s a fire in your life and you ask God,Lord, let me go around the fire. And God says, No.Then you ask, Lord, then let me go over the fire.And God says, No. Then you ask, Well Lord, please let me go under the fire. And God says, No. Go through the fire and I’ll be with you. - Lydia Thornton
People says you are not going to take anything with you at the end but people, mind that you are going to leave a lot behind you.So be precise for your deeds n trail you left. :) - Nikunj shukla
What can you say about a society that says that God is dead and Elvis is alive? - Irv Kupcinet
Whenever someone shares a thought that says ‘Follow your heart but take your brain with you’, it just reminds about the childhood story in which a monkey applies his brain to misguide the crocodile by saying that he has kept his heart on the tree. - Anuj Somany
Stay as far away as possible from the person who says "Don't overthink it" or "You're overthinking it - Andrea L'Artiste
Gandiji says where there is love there is life. We can also say where there is hate there is hell! - Mehmet Murat ildan
She is one of those ladies who is more beautiful at sixty than she could possibly have been at twenty. (how I hope someone says that about me someday)! - Mary Ann Shaffer
The last word in ignorance is the man who says of an animal or plant: 'What good is it? - Aldo Leopold
Make sure you know the Bible well enough to figure out if what someone says is fact or their own opinions. If you don't it could lead you in the wrong direction. - Amanda Penland
says 'End your ego, think of nation - Imran Khan
Gov. Christie says 'New Jersey First.' State-based Isolationism! - Jonah Goldberg
Memory says, I did that. Pride replies, I could not have done that. Eventually memory yields. - Friedrich Nietzsche
I did this so well’- one says this and tastes the sweetness of subtle pride of doership. One enjoys the sweetness of this subtle pride. There is pain [suffering] with projection of doer-ship. God is eternal bliss and that indeed is the nature of the Self! - Dada Bhagwan
I don't care what anyone says, the stars give you hope on a dark and gloomy night. - Nikki Rowe
And that's just the beginning. More and more, conventional wisdom says that the responsible thing is to make the unemployed suffer. And while the benefits from inflicting pain are an illusion, the pain itself will be all too real. - Paul Krugman
Petronius says that ‘Mundus vult decipi - The world wants to be deceived.’ That is very true, otherwise there wouldn’t exist any religion! - Mehmet Murat ildan
I dont care how much a man talks, if he only says it in a few words. - Josh Billings
Do as love says; do as love does. - Matshona Dhliwayo
What the new mate, sports car, or unexpected check could never do, Christ says, "I Can." You'll love how he achieves it. He reconnects your soul with God. - Max Lucado
The world is moving so fast these days that the man who says it can't be done is generally interrupted by someone doing it. - Elbert Hubbard
Ares sighed "What are the three words said most often in our house?" "Not tonight, Ares?" Than offered. "Funny," Ares growled. "Cara never says that. - Larissa Ione
Infatuation burns itself out,' she says. 'Friendship mixed with old chemistry--that can last a lifetime. - Tess Callahan
Legend says that when you can't sleep at night it's because you're awake in someone else's dream - Unknown Legend
Our prayers may be awkward. Our attempts may be feeble. But since the power of prayer is in the One who hears it and not in the one who says it, our prayers do make a difference. - Max Lucado
This is a party that used to embrace freedom but now they've abandoned the principles of Thomas Jefferson and adopted the tactics of Joseph Stalin.' he says. And he, (Eric O'Keefe) notes that those tactics are even aimed at fellow Democrats who don't fall in line. - Kimberly Strassel
Never forget what a man says to you when he is angry. - Henry Ward Beecher
I'm a believer and I believe there is a more knowledgeable supreme being who created earth. I'm not surprise when I read the bible Psalm 14:1 which said ~ the fool says in his heart there is no God. - Uzoma Nnadi
The National Rifle Association says, 'Guns don't kill people. People do'. But I think the gun helps. - Eddie Izzard
Not all dreamers are winners, but all winners are dreamers. Your dream is the key to your future. The Bible says that, "without a vision (dream), a people perish." You need a dream, if you're going to succeed in anything you do. - Mark Gorman
The ego says, win the world to find peace. The spirit says, win yourself over to find peace. - Debasish Mridha
A smile says more than the way you laugh - Petra Hermans
You can’t fight an evil disease with sweet medicine,’ says the ng’anga. - Panashe Chigumadzi
He who says, "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me," has not been hit by a dictionary.
The house had been torn down. Nothing is left but the old white fence. There used to be privet bushes everywhere. "The smell of privet is the smell of summer for me," I say to Catherine."Yes, Mom." she says, "I know, Your memories are my memories now. - Abigail Thomas
Once you go silent everyone starts misinterpreting what your silence says. - Jasmine Sandozz
The ancient wisdom of the masters says that even a mighty oak was once a nut like you. - Mark Brown
For the Earth itself is a blossom, she says,on the star tree,pale with luminousocean leaves. - Rolf Jacobsen
Wondering why a person who has made the most of the wealth in own life through LUCK only; says, most often, to the people the most about the importance of HARD WORK in their lives. - Anuj Somany
Women are almost two thirds more likely than men to believe in God, a major study of attitudes among middle aged Britons has found, says The Telegraph. Well, men are twice more likely than God to believe in women! (At least that was so in the Garden of Eden) - R. N. Prasher
The person who says it can’t be done is almost always interrupted by the person who is doing it. - Shannon L. Alder
The Truly wasting our personal time is:"Caring About the things; we always says " We don't Care About. - Santosh Kumar Pyasa
Sendak is in search of what he calls a "yummy death". William Blake set the standard, jumping up from his death bed at the last minute to start singing. "A happy death," says Sendak. "It can be done." He lifts his eyebrows to two peaks. "If you're William Blake and totally crazy. - Maurice Sendak
I think I speak for everyone," he says, "when I say you have earned the title of Dauntless". - Veronica Roth
Who says only long tedious novels are good to read when all that can be summed up in one line - Priyansh Shah
Anyone who says "Trust me" is the last motherfucker you should ever trust. - R.D. Ronald
Black is modest and arrogant at the same time. Black is lazy and easy - but mysterious. But above all black says this: "I don’t bother you - don’t bother me". - Yohji Yamamoto
My wife says I never listen to her. At least I think that's what she said. - Anonymous
As soon as any man says of the affairs of the State "What does it matter to me?" the State may be given up for lost. - Jean Jacques Rousseau
There is nothing my mind can conceive, my heart can believe, my eyes can see and my soul can visualize that I cannot do. Even if the whole world says I can’t, it’s just a matter of time and I will get it done. - Dr. Bien Sufficient
Death says a million words that the heart can't pen. - Shannon L. Alder
Nothing is impossible, the word itself says 'I'm possible'! - Audrey Hepburn
He who says that his wife is his life has tacitly agreed to the point that he is prepared to be cheated by his wife like a life at any point of time. - Anuj Somany
Jesus never says to the poor: ‘come find the church’, but he says to those of us in the church: ‘go into the world and find the poor, hungry, homeless, imprisoned. - Tony Campolo
We are looking to brands for poetry and for spirituality, because we're not getting those things from our communities or from each other. When Nike says, just do it, that's a message of empowerment. Why aren't the rest of us speaking to young people in a voice of inspiration? - Naomi Klein
It is not who you are NOW, it is what GOD says you are that matter. - Olawale Daniel
Sometimes I lie awake at night and I ask, "Is life a multiple choice test or is it a true or false test?" ...Then a voice comes to me out of the dark and says, "We hate to tell you this but life is a thousand word essay. - Charles M. Schulz
Timetick tocksays the clockwhirrling bynever shyquietly passlayer upon grassuntil time has gone.than you die. - Kayla Dunn
When an actor comes to me and wants to discuss his character, I say, 'It's in the script.' If he says, 'But what's my motivation?, ' I say, 'Your salary.' - Alfred Hitchcock
The emotional, sexual, and psychological stereotyping of females begins when the doctor says, 'It's a girl.' - Shirley Chisholm
oh, oh GreenHollyWood says with a smile and even and angry sounds like devil who comes from hell... says not to lie and now he lies... so clever and such a smart ass. (Isn't he?!??!) - Deyth Banger
I have watched a lot of films... about war... but still I can't understand what's the purpose of war???Killing inocent people??About religion... so my god says that killing other people isn't acceptable... but your is acceptable???WTF - Deyth Banger
To find what you seek in the road of life, the best proverb of all is that which says:"Leave no stone unturned. - Edward Bulwer-Lytton
Whether most Muslims are peaceable is irrelevant. The fact is that fanatics rule Islam now & act-out what the Qur'an truly says ...maul, march, & murder every Infidel if they won't convert! - Gary Patton
It is a poor critic who says that a lack of effect on them implies all others are insincere in their love. - Kieron Gillen
Sometimes am so worried,i complain to God that He's not been listening to my prayers,and then my son comes and says,"hey dad,why are you not mom?"ilook at him and say,God.you've already answered my prayers with the best..who knows whats on the way for me?. - Matovu Jonathans Eriah
Anybody who says "I know how to get to God and you don't, do this and do that and go here and go there" is going to become 1. very powerful and 2. very rich. The simple truth is, if I am with God, no less can you be with God at the same time as I am. - C. JoyBell C.
Luther looks at all the jobs that are out there and he says, These are the masks of God, behind which He wants to remain concealed, and do all things. Christians have to be profoundly appreciative of good work done on absolutely everything. - Timothy J. Keller
I want more,' he says. 'I want more with you. I want to hold hands in public. I want to drive you home from work and give you a kiss good night. And talk on the phone so late we fall asleep. - Julie Murphy
I'm seventeen and I'm crazy. My uncle says the two always go together. When people ask your age, he said, always say seventeen and insane. - Ray Bradbury
History says, Don’t hopeOn this side of the grave,But then, once in a lifetimeThe longed-for tidal waveOf justice can rise up,And hope and history rhyme - Seamus Heaney
Isabelle says the Queen of the Seelie Court has requested an audience with is"Sure" said Magnus. "And Madonna wants me as a backup dancer on her next world tour - Cassandra Clare
I got my heart checked, report says it's perfectly normal, there is no trace of love in it - Rushabh Patel
If you’re struggling to think outside the box remember the box is self-imposed. Who says it has to be a box? Why not a bowl of petunias? - Ryan Lilly
A man can do what he ought to do; and when he says he cannot, it is because he will not. - Johann Gottlieb Fichte
Wealth is a planned result that requires productive work and dedication. The Tanakh says, The plans of the diligent lead only to abundance; but all who rush in arrive only at want (CJB, Proverbs 21:5). - H.W. Charles
If God could run out of grace, He would’ve for me by now. And yet every morning I wake up, He says, There is more, there is still more. - Genereux Philip
The poem says you only think you’re alive but about to be born your radioactive heliographs mock the moon’s tongue.— , Fin Del Mundo - Philip Lamantia
It begins with a character, usually, and once he stands up on his feet and begins to move, all I can do is trot along behind him with a paper and pencil trying to keep up long enough to put down what he says and does. - William Faulkner
There is some awe mixed with the joy of our surprise, when this poet, who lived in some past world, two or three hundred years ago, says that which lies close to my own soul, that which I also had wellnigh thought and said. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
The speaker says one of the blessings of the family of God is that the enthusiasm of children influences their elders while experience seasons the younger members. - Matt Chandler
Egoism [Ahamkar: Aham=I; kar=did] means ‘I did’. Where one is not the doer and he says, ‘I did’; that is egoism. To do egoism and to walk around with an inflated chest is pride (maan) and then to go on telling others ‘I did it myself’, is known as pride with my-ness (abhiman). - Dada Bhagwan
The body says what words cannot. - Martha Graham
Few friendships would survive if each one knew what his friend says of him behind his back - Blaise Pascal
Mozart liked to write letters while on the loo. He wrote, "I think it only fitting to write while shitting." This gave me the idea of, "I think it only fitting to read while ..." Who says men can't multitask? - Peter Rogers
Life is about learning to fly, when everyone says you will fall. - Chris Burkmenn
College = A place where you spend a ton of money for a piece of paper that says you're qualified. - Korey Miracle
A pessimist says the glass is half empty, an optimist says the glass is half full, and an engineer says the glass is too big. - Scott Edward Shjefte
Through pride we are ever deceiving ourselves. But deep down below the surface of the average conscience a still, small voice says to us, something is out of tune. - C.G. Jung
A statue is just a statue until someone comes along and says it is beautiful. Then it starts to enjoy the magnificence of life. - Debasish Mridha
When someone you love says goodbye you can stare long and hard at the door they closed and forget to see all the doors God has open in front of you. - Shannon L. Alder
When people say, "You really, really must" do something, it means you don't really have to. no one ever says, "You really, really must deliver the baby during labor." When it's true, it doesn't need to be said. - Tina Fey
They had that special grace, that special spirit that says, 'Give me a challenge and I'll meet it with joy." on Challenger disaster - Ronald Reagan
We don't get to see ourselves the way the Lord sees us, but we can choose to believe what He says about us. - Angie Smith
It was all a matter of timing," she says. "My train was late that day. The day I saw you drop your notebook. Had it been on schedule we never would have met. Maybe we were never meant to. It was a possibility, one of thousands, and not inevitable, the way some things are. - Erin Morgenstern
DNA, DNA, DNA. You never ever deny it, fool. I thought he is my cold enemy. When he died, he became my father. Says Bhutta (Biography) - M.K. Bhutta
Nothing is lost that cannot be refound" she says in a voice infused with otherworldly authority "this is the Dark Goddess's promise to guide you back to your deepest self and soul. If you choose this Sarah, so will it be. - Karen Clark
Anyone who says businessmen deal in facts, not fiction, has never read old five-year projections.
Jean Paul Sartre says that ‘Hell is other people!’ In the name of completing this sentence we must also say this: ‘Heaven is other people too! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Our work is not to become unique. We are unique. Our work is to unleash our sense of adventure and to allow the inner whisper that says come hither to be reason enough to go. - Vironika Tugaleva
Speaker calls the Christian counselor to look at each person as soul embodied with unique challenges that move us. This is not, he says, the first step before we get on to important business but vital in and of itself. - Edward T. Welch
First wrong by brow-beater abuses the body of law. And the revenge of brow-beaten announces that there is no law in state. Says Bhutta - M.K. Bhutta
Work so hard that even hard worksays damn he is tougherthan me :) - shivangi lavaniya
If she's a flapper," mused the sergeant, wiping Passionate Rouge lipstick off his blameless mouth, "then I'm all for 'em, and I don't care what Mum says. - Kerry Greenwood
What can you say about a society that says God is dead and Elvis is alive? - Irv Kupcinet
There are only two kinds of people in the end: those who say to God, 'Thy will be done,' and those to whom God says, in the end, 'Thy will be done.' - C. S. Lewis
A brand is what a person says about you when you are out of the room.
Revenge is a kind of justice. But it is applicable only in wild and lawless places. Says Bhutta - M.K. Bhutta
Forgiveness has to be repeated, the bible says seventy times seven. - Max Patrick
You know that you're a true friend when somebody says "But what about that wart on the end of his nose?" and your honest response is "What wart?". You see true friends accept you for what you are, wart and all. - Jeffrey Michael
A person who says every person has a right to a decent education may not actually mean people should be robbed to support bad schools or all children should be forced into a prison-like building for 12 years. - Jeffrey Tucker
So Lightning says to Mud,What would happen if I struck your blood?And Mud says, Brother, It would hurt, And make me the motherOf every living thing.But, Fire Boy, you ain’t lifting my grass skirtUntil you burn me a ring. - Sherman Alexie
Aika often says that she is the only one capable of loving me the same way I am is the one capable of loving her, and no one will be able to stand my twisted personality other than her and for me to betray her is unthinkable and impossible - Cullen Thomas
GOD is super intelligent - says GO & DO GOOD things, if not I may pick you as an ODD human & like a honest DOG knows what to do next! - Ningraj
When they throw the water on the witch, she says, Who would have thought a good little girl like you could destroy my beautiful wickedness. That line inspired my life. I sometimes say it to myself before I go to sleep, like a prayer. - John Waters
I pay very little regard...to what any young person says on the subject of marriage. If they profess a disinclination for it, I only set it down that they have not yet seen the right person. - Jane Austen
The law says do good be right. Grace says Jesus made you right so now you are good. - John Paul Warren
In the view of such harmony in the cosmos which I, with my limited human mind, am able to recognize, there are yet people who says there is no God. But what makes me really angry is that they quote me for support of such views. (The Expanded Quotable Einstein, Princeton University, page 214) - Albert Einstein
Be so focused on believing that you can that it doesn't matter if anyone says you can't. - Chris Burkmenn
Whoever says that all music is prohibited, let him also claim that the songs of birds are prohibited. - أبو حامد الغزالي
A diplomat must always think twice before he says nothing. - Irish Proverb
Wisdom says we are nothing. Love says we are everything. Between these two our life flows. - Jack Kornfield
Where once I prayed for forgiveness from a father God who held up huge palms and said Thou shalt not, now I find peace with a sister god who takes my open hands in hers and says, You will. - Betsy Cornwell
A book comes and says, 'Write me. - Madeleine L'Engle
it seems politicians projected the powerful brand called Ambedkar, rather than his ideologies. Like the ad says 'name is enough. - Anoop Raghav
And only weaklings...who lack courage and the power to feel they're right when the whole world says they're wrong, ever lose. - Zelda Fitzgerald
Ignorance is toxic. If a man hands you a cup of coffee and pours in what he calls liquid sugar when the container clearly says poison, how bliss is your ignorance? - James Jean-Pierre
Hell says hallelujah when fools say amen without understanding or applying truth to their lives. - Eveth Colley
You have two voices, one that only you hear, and another that you speak out loud with, so others hear you. Regardless of what you actually say with your mouth, what matters is what your inner voice says, for this is the one you listen to the most. - Stephen Richards
When someone says they love you, appreciate. Remember there are billions who don't. - Premchand Shetty
A picture says more than a thousands words, but which words are these? - Taeke de Jong
Immature love says:"I love you because i need you". Mature love says: " I need you because i love you". - Erich Fromm
She says she glories in being abandoned - J.M. Barrie
And the person who says that the only way to please them is to restrict options for others is, if you ask me, the one who deserves it least. And that’s my opinion, expressed as politely as possible. - David Gaider
What is a rebel? A man who says no. - Albert Camus
One who says unpleasant things about others, will himself quickly become a target of their scandal.
If a friend says - I'm Fine - they don't mean it, but if you're a real friend, then you wouldn't mind spending a few more minutes with them. - BlackStar103
In Damascus:poems become diaphanousThey’re neither sensualnor intellectualthey are what echo saysto echo . . . - Mahmoud Darwish-محمود درويش
Some people say falling in love is the beginning of life, but some people says it is the end of theirs. - Debasish Mridha
How much time he gains who does not look to see what his neighbor says or does or thinks, but only at what he does himself, to make it just and holy. - Marcus Aurelius Antoninus
A satirist is a man who discovers unpleasant things about himself and then says them about other people. - Peter McArthur
I have accepted fear as part of life specifically the fear of change... I have gone ahead despite the pounding in the heart that says: turn back.... - Erica Jong
Everything the State says is a lie, and everything it has it has stolen. - Friedrich Nietzsche
We, the Hawaiian people, who are born from the union of Papahanaumoku and Wakea, earth mother and sky father, and who have lived in these islands for over 100 generations, will always have the moral right to the lands of Hawai'i now and forever, no matter what any court says. - Lilikalā K. Kame'eleihiwa
If you want to know the truth, he says, leaning forward like he’s getting ready to tell a really good story, it has to do with Kelsey. And the biggest lie of all.And that’s when I realize the thing about the truth. It always comes out, no matter what you do. - Lauren Barnholdt
One of the qualities of liberty is that, as long as it is being striven after, it goes on expanding. Therefore, the man who stands in the midst of the struggle and says, "I have it," merely shows by doing so that he has just lost it. - Henrik Ibsen
All we can do is write, but its up to the reader to decide if we wrote masterpieces or empty silliness, and there is nothing you can do till another reader says different. - Uma Nnenna
If I could find the right words, I'd say what the blue sky says. - Marty Rubin
I remember having an argument with Alan, I said the Queen's not just going to call the guy up and send him out to do it. And Alan says, well, how would a monarch give orders to her assassin. - Eddie Campbell
If we are to have real faith, we must study the Word of God and discover what is promised. Then, we must simply believe the promises of God. Trying to believe something that you want to believe is not faith. Believing what God says in His Word is faith. - R.A. Torrey
I don't care what the world says. My Bible says you can't live a continuous lifestyle of sin and be a Christian. - Fritz Chery
Epictetus say that everything has two handles, one by which it can be borne and one which it cannot. If your brother sins against you, he says, don't take hold of it by the wrong he did you but by the fact that he's your brother. That's how it can be borne. - Anne Tyler
Here for business or pleasure, Mr. Wheeler?""Redemption," Shane says. - Jess Walter
I have learned that when you make big decisions, life says, 'Fuck you. This is what you actually have in store. - Chris Pine
On my income tax 1040 it says 'Check this box if you are blind.' I wanted to put a check mark about three inches away. - Tom Lehrer
In this sublime hour, therefore, He calls all His children to the pulpit of the Cross, and every word He says to them is set down for the purpose of an eternal publication and an undying consolation. - Fulton J. Sheen
Passion is a feeling that tells you: this is the right thing to do. Nothing can stand in my way. It doesn't matter what anyone else says. This feeling is so good that it cannot be ignored. I'm going to follow my bliss and act upon this glorious sensation of joy. - Wayne W. Dyer
It is not about doing what we feel like. It is about doing what God says. - Joyce Meyer
I love the way he says my name. With the elegance and utmost respect of a King, just before he bows to his Queen. - M.J. Abraham
A clue! From M!""Who's M?""Maybe M is for Mackintosh! Maybe Grabes ans Mackintosh are in cahoots!""Or maybe M is for Mom. Also, who says 'cahoots'? - Mac Barnett
Author challenges parents to bridge the gap with maturing, more independent kids with what he calls "Knock and Pray". He says parents should invite their kids to unscheduled times to "pray... big". - Jay Payleitner
Mother says there are locked rooms inside all women, kitchen of love, bedroom of grief, bathroom of apathy. Sometimes, the men, they come with keys, and sometimes the men, they come with hammers. - Warsan Shire
When someone says, 'It's not the money, it's the principle of the thing', it's the money. - Kin Hubbard
If someone says you can't achieve, just throw out that 'T and now You can achieve. - Saravanan
Some says money is everythingAnd some says love is everythingBut if you have peace of mind , you don't need anything..! - Akash B Chandran
No matter what anyone says, no matter the excuse or explanation, whatever a person does in the end is what he intended to do all along. - Cus D'Amato
I think computer viruses should count as life ... I think it says something about human nature that the only form of life we have created so far is purely destructive. We've created life in our own image. - Stephen Hawking
Do it now even-though your Lazy mind says, Will do later - Shinu :)
A diplomat is a man who says you have an open mind, instead of telling you that you have a hole in the head. - Unknown
Bardur and the boy had leaned back a bit and looked at the sparkling sky that makes us humble and powerful at once and seems sometimes to speak to us. What is says carefully cleanses old wounds. - Jón Kalman Stefánsson
Be the Kind of Woman that when Your Feet Hit the Floor Each Morning, the Devil Says, ‘Oh Crap, She’s Up! - Anonymous
Roald Amundsen says that ‘Adventure is just bad planning.’ In that case, friends, let us make more bad planning! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Birds are flyin' south for winter.Here's the Weird-Bird headin' north,Wings a-flappin', beak a-chatterin',Cold head bobbin' back 'n' forth.He says, "It's not that I like iceOr freezin' winds and snowy ground.It's just sometimes it's kind of niceTo be the only bird in town. - Shel Silverstein
I’m not interested in blind optimism, but I’m very interested in optimism that is hard-won, that takes on darkness and then says, ‘This is not enough.’ But it takes time, more time than we can sometimes imagine, to get there. And sometimes we don’t. - Colum McCann
I am obnoxious to each carping tongue/ Who says my hand a needle better fits./ A poet's pen all scorn I should thus wrong/ For such despite they cast on female wits;/ If what I do prove well, it won't advance,/ They'll say it's stolen, or else, it was by chance. - Anne Bradstreet
You're not to be so blind with patriotism that you can't face reality. Wrong is wrong, no matter who does it or says it. - Malcolm X
When we criticize another person, it says nothing about that person; it merely says something about our own need to be critical.
If anybody tells says you have to follow his or her #religion or you're going to hell, tell that silly ass to go to hell. Be well. - Fakeer Ishavardas
True Love never says good-bye, and this is why: True Love last forever. - Ellen J. Barrier
Life expects us to challenge the status-quo YET it holds us responsible for ONLY what we can ordinarily do. Life doesn't ask us for too much; it says "to do more, expand your lens". Expand your skills, expand your tools, expand your mind. To do more, be more! - Asuni LadyZeal
When you're screwing up and nobody says anything to you anymore, that means they've given up on you. - Randy Pausch
You don't fight the battles you know you will win, its the ones that everyone says you will lose. - Chris Burkmenn
Jonah shifts to lean back a little farther, moaning as he does. Holy heck, my leg hurts, he says, still with that strained, forced lightness.Again, Hallelujah mimics his tone. ‘Holy heck’? That’s cutting it close.I have a gash in my leg the size of the Mississippi. I can say whatever I want. - Kathryn Holmes
My Muse sits forlornShe wishes she had not been bornShe sits in the coldNo word she says is ever told. - Stevie Smith
He says black, I say white and we do grey - Lazaro Hernandez
How can you make light of it? I says. What should I do? She says. Cry fer the rest of my life? Molly of the Many Sorrows?...You got battle scars. This is mine, she says. You know what it tells me? I'm a survivor. - Moira Young
a wise woman puts a grain of sugar in everything she says to a man, and takes a grain of salt with everything he says to her. - Helen Rowland
When a man says "I know what I mean, but I can't express it," he generally does not know what he means—for there can be no knowledge without words; there can only be feelings. - Sydney J. Harris
A self-seeker may resist anything except the temptation of showing often own bigger face beside everything that s/he says as big thoughts. - Anuj Somany
Generosity is also marked by doing what one says one will do. - Idries Shah
Do you know what you're saying when you say, "Whatever"? It's just a code word for the f-word, followed by "you." And at your age, you never, ever. say that to anyone.' " Blaze leaned back. "So now, when someone says it to me, I just say, 'You too.' (72) - Nicholas Sparks
Sometimes I lie awake at night, and I ask, "Where have I gone wrong?" Then a voice says to me, "This is going to take more than one night." - Charles M. Schulz
There’s no question about freedom of speech when everyone thinks exactly the same and no one says anything out of the accepted norms. In this kind of climate, even the mildest questions sound like heresy, and the outcome is intolerance of other people’s beliefs, ideas, actions and freedoms. - Keith Harmon
Anybody who says they are a good liar obviously is not, because any legitimately savvy liar would always insist they're honest about everything. - Chuck Klosterman
No one means all he says, and yet very few say all they mean, for words are slippery and thought is viscous. - Henry Adams
What magic is this?' the muse says to the man. 'A flower, a dream, a fairy-tale wish,' the man says to his muse. The muse smiles. - Adam Scott Wolf
Some people around a person have a mysterious way of showing their dislike towards him, as they like regularly almost everything that he says or shares on his social media account. - Anuj Somany
Life can be a misunderstanding, if we are ignorant of the right language or don’t try to learn it. « If lions could speak, we would not understand them. » says Ludwig Wittgenstein. If we make an effort, however, we could manage to understand. ( Life was a misunderstanding » ) - Erik Pevernagie
Everybody says life is hard. I'm surprised nobody makes effort to not create any lives. - Orlyze Simons
God will cause you to prosper, even when man says you won't. - Chris Burkmenn
Death twitches my ear;'Live,' he says... 'I'm coming. - Virgil
A fellow who says he has never told a lie has just told one.
Radio is dumb until the listener hears what radio says - Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
Whoever says true happiness has a overall definition is just lying. - Mekiah Johnson
I do what my Heart says and I fucking don't care what others think about it. - Mohith Agadi
The fact is, when people choose to be brave instead of smart, their courage is generally so threatening to those who are smart rather than brave that they end up being maligned, not congratulated. This is what the Bible says we can expect. - Gary Haugen
She isn't the kind of girl that makes you wonder why she doesn't have someone, you just know that the kind of guy who is good enough for her is rare, and she projects the kind of strength that says she is perfectly happy to wait till he shows up. - Stacey Ballis
A study in the Washington Post says that women havebetter verbal skills than men. I just want to say to the authors of that study: 'Duh. - Conan O'Brien
Nobody who says, ‘I told you so’ has ever been, or will ever be, a hero. - Ursula K. Le Guin
I can’t teach you how to write, and anybody who says they can is full of shit. - Hank Moody
A trusted man doesn't flip-flop on where he stands. He says what he means and stand where he stands.He's not easily influenced by fear. He's influenced by destiny and will not be taken advantage of. - Henry Johnson Jr
I don't want to be the one who says life is beautiful. I want to be the one who feels it. - Marty Rubin
Who says that money don't matter?If you are Rich all the world will know about you, if you are poor no one give a crap about what it's happening to you!"Life It's Short, enjoy this moment. - Ebelsain Villegas
As soon as she says this, I realize she is just like everyone else, and wish I was back at home so that all the things I do not understand could be the same as they always are. - Claire Keegan
A winner smiles and a looser cries. The God looks at them and says,'Sorry, guys! - Santosh Kalwar
The statement 'the Shariah says...' is thus automatically misleading, as there is almost always more than one answer to any legal question. - Jonathan A.C. Brown
CUNNING, n. The faculty that distinguishes a weak animal or person from a strong one. It brings its possessor much mental satisfaction and great material adversity. An Italian proverb says: "The furrier gets the skins of more foxes than asses." - Ambrose Bierce
My doctor says that I have a malformed public-duty gland and a natural deficiency in moral fibre, and that I am therefor excused from saving Universes. - Douglas Adams
It is not that men become too intelligent for God,' says the Apologist, 'but rather they become too arrogant for intelligence. - Criss Jami
The man who says he is willing to meet you halfway is usually a poor judge of distance. - Laurence J. Peter
The individual who says it is not possible should move out of the way of those doing it. - Tricia Cunningham
Why is there never a headline that says "Government program ends as its intended goal has been achieved"? - Oleg Atbashian
Faith is not a feeling, she says. It's a set of actions. By taking the actions, you demonstrate more faith than somebody who actually has experienced the rewards of prayer and so feels hope. - Mary Karr
Everybody says that I have a lot of power. But what does that power consist of?... Can I influence governments? I am beginning to be able to..." (1995) - George Soros
Rumi says love turns thorns into flowers. This means that hate turns flowers into thorns! - Mehmet Murat ildan
He can heal me. I believe He will. I believe I'm going to be an old surely Baptist preacher. And even if He doesn't...that's the thing: I've read Philippians 1. I know what Paul says. I'm here let's work, if I go home? That's better. I understand that. - Matt Chandler
Meaningless! Meaningless! says the Teacher.Utterly meaningless! Everything is meaningless.Ecclesiastes 1:2 - Anonymous
The word impossible says I'm possible - Tina Mag
This explains why, whenever a person says sie to me, I generally try to kill him, if a stranger. - Mark Twain
No man ever believes that the Bible means what it says: He is always convinced that it says what he means. - George Bernard Shaw
Hazrat Ali, in a saying attributed to him, says: ‘Man is in disguise, covered by his tongue’. - Idries Shah
Most of them says"Forgiving is the big punishment"No.. Never... "Keeping quit is the biggest punishment - Arafath Shanas
An advanced human rights friendly Constitution is fine and well - but what good is it if it is not put into practice? The government says it cherishes the principles in the SA Constitution, and yet acts in a manner which cannot be reconciled with that very Constitution. - Christina Engela
Thank you for your honesty," Niles says. The Candor repeat the phrase under their breath. All around me are the words "Thank you for your honesty" at different volumes and pitches, and my anger begins to dissolve. - Veronica Roth
Awful first drafts are fine—Agree with this.If you don’t finish something, you’ll never get in the game. Just quell the voice in your head that says Are you kidding? No one is going to want to read this drivel and keep on going. You’re going to revise and revise and then revise again anyway. - Jamie Freveletti
Faith is to believe in something when common sense tells you not to and situation surrounding you says otherwise. - Sesan Kareem
A church begins to die when it says, ‘They were just children. - Wess Stafford
The ear never forgets what the soul says. - Matshona Dhliwayo
Civilized Man says: I am Self, I am Master, all the rest is other--outside, below, underneath, subservient. I own, I use, I explore, I exploit, I control. What I do is what matters. What I want is what matter is for. I am that I am, and the rest is women & wilderness, to be used as I see fit. - Ursula K. Le Guin
Jean Paul Sartre says in "No Exit" that hell is other people. Well, our task in life is to make it heaven. Or at least earth. - Alan Alda
I could end the deficit in five minutes. You just pass a law that says that anytime there is a deficit of more than 3% of GDP all sitting members of congress are ineligible for reelection. - Warren Buffett
What excites us the most or likewise scares us the most is when something is exactly what it says it is. And when it comes to Christmas, we’re going to end up finding ourselves on one side of that line or the other. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
I go to de One who says silver n gold is Mine - Kingsley ofosu-Ampong
If nothing else in this long and short life, let me be true to my conscience, to the dignity of my own heart. Let me act in a way that says, I have honored my spirit as truly as I have honored others'. Let me stand tall and rooted as a mountain in the face of a quaking world. - Jennifer DeLucy
Life may not have dealt you a great set of cards... but who says the one with better cards will win? - Manoj Vaz
The Democrats are the party that says government will make you smarter, taller, richer, and remove the crabgrass on your lawn. The Republicans are the party that says government doesn't work and then they get elected and prove it.
Nothing says, 'I have no idea what to get you,' quite like giant beige bath towels. - Missbhavens
Life Teaches You Several Things,It says 'Hi' & Gives You 'Good',It Says 'Hello' & Gives you 'Better',It says ''Wait" & Gives You "The Best - Pritam Ganguly
My heart aches for you! But don't despair! I am persuaded you will come about! Recollect what the poet says! I'm not sure which poet, but very likely it was Shakespeare, because it generally is, though why I can't imagine! - Georgette Heyer
Before God does anything, before he makes anything for us to be sustained by, God says, "More than food, more than water, more than shelter, more than other people, they are going to need me. - Wesley Miller
Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another: "What! You too? - C.S. Lewis
Be the kind of woman who, when your feet hit the floor each morning, the devil says "Oh, no! She's up. - Joanne Clancy
Courage doesn't always roar. Sometimes courage is the little voice at the end of the day that says I'll try again tomorrow. - Mary Anne Radmacher
never trust anyone who says they do not see color. this means to them,you are invisible. - Nayyirah Waheed
Doctors says it is impossible to live without a heart, but is extremely unbelievable to see how many heartless humans are living in this strange world. Nothing is IMPOSSIBLE for humans beings, even living without a heart. - Angela ShahAnwar
The shirt says; 'I bite.' You prick, not 'I blo - Antoinette Houston
who says love is better than hate. i feel both gives equivalent pain. - shivangi lavaniya
Burn down the discoHang the blessed D.J.Because the music that they constantly playIt says nothing to me about my life - Morrissey
HE who says there is no such thing as an honest man, you may be sure is himself a knave. - George Bishop Berkeley
How much time he saves who does not look to see what his neighbor says or does or thinks. - Marcus Aurelius Antoninus
An orator is a man who says what he thinks and feels what he says. - William Jennings Bryan
In the bible it says you have to forgive seventy times seven. I want you all to know, I'm keeping a chart. - Hillary Rodham Clinton
... I told him I was so happy that I had nothing else to pray for. 'Why,'says I, I've got prayers to sell. - Sandra Dallas
And so the dentist says 'Rinse.' So you lean over, and you're lookin' at this miniature toilet bowl. - Bill Cosby
See it was like this when we waltz into this place.A couple of papish cats is doing an Aztec two-stepAnd I says Dad let's cutbut then this dame comes up behind me see and says you and me could really existWow I says Only the next day she has bad teeth and really hates poetry. - Lawrence Ferlinghetti
If the other person says "Fuck Off," well, then, deal. Move on. - Richelle Mead
Does it, does it—I'm flailing here—does it have a name? What you've done?If it had a name, he says, what would that change, exactly? Would it be more acceptable to you? Would it be a thing people do? Would it have a category unto itself? - Jess Row
The time to stop talking is when the other person nods his head affirmatively but says nothing. - Henry S. Haskins
Everytime a child says 'I don't believe in fairies' there is a little fairy somewhere that falls down dead. - James M. Barrie
Honey, the sun rises and sets with that Bill of hers. Everything he says is Gospel. She loves her man.""Is that what loving your man is?""Has a lot to do with it."Jean Louise said, "You mean losing your own identity, don't you?""In a way, yes," said Henry. "Then I doubt if I shall ever marry. - Harper Lee
One of the lessons that I grew up with was to always stay true to yourself and never let what somebody else says distract you from your goals. And so when I hear about negative and false attacks, I really don't invest any energy in them, because I know who I am. - Michelle Obama
She says his eyes address her like the silence of the snow. - Ronald H Peat
It's terrific, Clare," Henry says, and we stare at each other and I think, "Don't leave me. - Audrey Niffenger
(A point of view of a stupidy of mankind)...Hey... did you check out the book by Stephen King in 7 June published??... (I was talking to one friend if I can put him as a friend...)The teacher says "Stop with this books.."... pff I said once not twice, why to stop? - Deyth Banger
You can construct the character of a man and his age not only from what he does and says, but from what he fails to say and do. - Norman Douglas
I hate the pollyanna pest who says that all is for the best. - Franklin P. Adams
That seems to point up a significant difference between Europeans and Americans. A European says: "I can't understand this, what's wrong with me?" An American says: "I can't understand this, what's wrong with him?" - Terry Pratchett
Speaking less and doing more says more. - Kayambila Mpulamasaka
I have notes in my bathroom, yellow notes, and I stick 'em on the mirror, things that happened that were uplifting boosters for me. Notes that say, "Today is special, make today count." And then I have one note on the mirror in the middle that says, "Look at the other notes. - Burt Bacharach
If his mother was drowning and I was drowning and he had to choose one of us to save, He says he'd save me. - Judith Viorst
Someone had given my daughter a doctor's kit. Carefully, she takes her own temperature, places the pressure cuff around her arm. Then she takes the cuff off and examines it. "Would you like to be a doctor when you grow up?" I ask her. She looks at me oddly. "I'm already a doctor," she says. - Jenny Offill
If you’re truly friends, then you don’t just offer a little whisp of your love. You unzip your chest, reach in and pull your heart out and says, It’s all yours—please keep it beating. - Toni Sorenson
You know what all the plutonium can buy me?" "Yeah it'll buy you one hell of a funeral!" Angel says angrily to man who was behind everything! - Angel Ramon Medina
I realized that all my life, my values were based upon typical middle-class American values: hard work, doing good, living well, owning things, following the rules & being the best I can be... but God clearly says, "those are not MY values. I value justice, mercy & humility. - John Green
There’s a song by Baz Luhrmann called Sunscreen. He says worrying about the future is as effective as trying to solve an algebra equation by chewing bubble gum. The real troubles in your life will always be things that never crossed your worried mind - About Time
Legalism says God will love us if we change. The gospel says God will change us because He loves us. - Tullian Tchividjian
It says a lot about Sandberg’s brand of feminism that this campaign focuses on policing language rather than bringing attention to important issues that have real impact on women and girls - Jessica Roy
Don't listen to a man who says we have to work together as a team. He means we have to work as he says. - C.J. Langenhoven
When a woman who has much to say says nothing, her silence can be deafening. - Margaret Landon
What I am is a proud humanist. Atheism says what I don't accept, humanism says what I do." -  - Nathan Phelps
Average people have a world view that says being comfortable with who and where they are in life is the key to happiness. The great ones have a world view that says happiness is learning, growing and becoming. - Steve Siebold
i lost a whole continent.a whole continent from my memory.unlike all other hyphenated americans my hyphen is made of blood.when africa says hellomy mouth is a heartbreakbecause i have nothing in my tongueto answer her.i don’t know how to say hello to my mother. - african-american ii nayyirah waheed
There is an hour of the afternoon when the plain is on the verge of saying something. It never says, or perhaps it says it infinitely, or perhaps we do not understand it, or we understand it and it is untranslatable as music. - Jorge Luis Borges
If i believe my truth is true and you believe your truth is true,what if my truth says yours is a lie.is it still true? - Lecrea
When that little clock on my wall says Olaotan! Olaotan!! Olaotan!!! It’s half past time to write, I only have three things at my disposal: A pen, A piece of paper, and a crowded mind. - Olaotan Fawehinmi
When someone says they love you, don’t believe it. Love is shown with actions and not words. - Dominic Riccitello
Justice suffers when men refuse to stand firm for what is right. If we don’t fight lawlessness, it prevails. If we don’t establish the truth in our nations, truth becomes foreign in the country. God says there is no man when there is nobody who stands for the truth. - Sunday Adelaja
As the old proverb says "Like readily consorts with like." - Cicero
Every man is hero and an oracle to somebody, and to that person, whatever he says has an enhanced value. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
In passion we trust, for passion finds infinity and says that is how many ways I can exist. - Corinne Meier
An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. - Charles Bukowski
If the people like a person’s face online but not what he says honestly, then it is better he stays away from them; and if he still enjoys it, then it is better they always keep a safe distance from him. - Anuj Somany
What God says I am is what I am: great soul. - Lailah Gifty Akita
You'll want to read books - novels, because ladies are frivolous; poetry because ladies are sentimental; and sermons, because we are pious. If you must read essays, Mr. Emerson might be best. Your gentleman may have a nodding acquaintance with his works. - Donald McCaig
They say as brave as lion, they say as clever as fox, they say as friendly as dog but nobody says as something good as man. - Amit Kalantri
Their Love said, Made for Each OtherOur Love says, Made from Each Other - Jasleen Kaur Gumber
I love the ground under his feet, and the air over his head, and everything he touches and every word he says. I love all his looks, and all his actions and him entirely and all together. - Emily Brontë
Speaker says psychology has commandeered "everything hard" and partitioned it from Scripture with the assumption that its causes are biological - Edward T. Welch
Despite my height, ignorance, heartbreaks, insecurity, criticism, competition, my skin color, that voice in my head that says 'No way', bad luck, a tight budget, insults, fear, flaws, failure and opposition. I believe in myself. - Manasa Rao Saarloos
Life is pain, anyone who says differently is selling something. - William Goldman
Hold no man responsible for what he says in his grief. - The Talmud
Doctors says it is impossible to live without a heart, but is extremely unbelievable to see how many heartless humans are living in this strange world. Humans proved it once again that nothing is IMPOSSIBLE, even living without a heart. - Angela ShahAnwar
I've tried that love thing for the last time. My heart says no, no! Nobody's supposed to be here, but you came along and changed my mind - Deborah Cox
Many folks describe arrogant people as jerks, idiots, creeps, and much worse. A person that treats you like you are stupid and says the only right way is their way even when it clearly is not is arrogant. They try to make up for their own lack of confidence by hammering away at others. - Stephen Richards
He who says that someone isn’t himself is a victim of statistics. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
Human says time goes by -Time says human goes by - Anonymous
Don't we all deserve forgiveness? I hope we do; I believe we do. Forgiveness says as much about the character of the person bestowing it as the person receiving it. Learning to forgive may be the most difficult of human acts,and the closest thing to divinity, whatever you decide that is. - Justin Cronin
When a man says to me, 'Let us work together in the great cause you have undertaken, and let me be your companion and aid, for I admire you more than I have ever admired any other woman,' then I shall say, 'I am yours truly'; but he must ask me to be his equal, not his slave. - Susan B. Anthony
She says: ...love is really all that matters. He hears: ...really love to do it on the mattress. - Anthony Liccione
Chris says that Creativity, is the most crucial for the leader to think out of the box and provide the best way of getting things done. - Chris Salamone
You don’t want modesty, you want humility. Humility comes from inside out. It says someone was here before me and I’m here because I’ve been paid for. I have something to do and I will do that because I’m paying for someone else who has yet to come. - Maya Angelou
Anyone that says his mind will be probably regarded a fool, but the true artist is not moved by the comments about the looks of his painting or remarks that are dreadfully sarcastic, but hearken now! That he who says what others want to hear hasn't said anything of his own. - Michael Bassey Johnson
To give the whole store away to match what this year's market says the unchurched want is to have the people who know least about the faith determine most about its expression. - Martin E. Marty
I could end the deficit in 5 minutes. You just pass a law that says that anytime there is a deficit of more than 3% of GDP all sitting members of congress are ineligible for reelection. - Warren Buffett
Since a politician never believes what he says, he is quite surprised to be taken at his word. - Charles De Gaulle
In these days, a man who says a thing cannot be done is quite apt to be interrupted by some idiot doing it. - Elbert Hubbard
I bet you've seen the fundamentalist bumper sticker that says, "God said it! I believe it! That settles it!" It must be a typo because what the driver really means is, "I said it! God believes it! That settles it! - Robert M. Price
The human heart is like the reflection on the water's surface. The mouth says things opposite to what the heart really feels. - Masashi Kishimoto Naruto Shippuden
Says, Rahula! Rahula! Face of Glory! Universe chawed and swallowed! - Jack Kerouac
Faithless is he that says farewell when the road darkens. - J. R. R. Tolkien
Nothing anyone says in a bar is true. - Mark Ruffalo
Herodotus says, "Very few things happen at the right time, and the rest do not happen at all: the conscientious historian will correct these defects. - Mark Twain
Amen,' I exclaim, accidentally spitting out a Raisinet. I pick up the chocolate with a Kleenex and stuff it in my purse. Ten bucks says a month from now I'll have forgotten about it and will finally have said heart attack when I assume a rat shat in there. - Jen Lancaster
A Tibetan proverb says that it is better to live for one day as a tiger than to live for a thousand years as a sheep. Well, I think the opposite, because the most important thing is to exist! Living sheep is superior to dead tiger! - Mehmet Murat ildan
He who who says he can and he who says he can’t are both usually right - Confucius
The Pledge of Allegiance says 'liberty and justice for all'. Which part of 'all' don't you understand? - Pat Schroeder
Let’s be very clear about this, asshole: I’ve been a woman in Arkansas. I know damn well what it means when a man says to me 'Calm down.' Being raped comes next, and that’s a fact I’m never going to forget. - Agnostic Zetetic
Courage doesn't always roar. Sometimes courage is the little voice at the end of that day that says, "I will try again tomorrow."
If a man says he is Christian, yet he has no problems knocking you up, having premarital sex or living in sin with you, then you have to ask yourself, What version of Christ does he believe in? - Shannon L. Alder
A sage person says his thoughts with own heart feeling for he knows that this only gives it a real meaning and the connection with the people; while the foolish minds assume that it can be achieved through only words rhyming. - Anuj Somany
Science says the first word on everything, and the last word on nothing. - Victor Hugo
Practice any art, music, singing, dancing, acting, drawing, painting, sculpting, poetry, fiction, essays, reportage, no matter how well or badly, not to get money and fame, but to experience becoming, to find out what’s inside you, to make your soul grow. - Kurt Vonnegut
Demons exist,' he says simply, as if talking about the weather. 'They are real and they are dangerous. We hunt them when necessary and return them when we can. - Bill Blais
First of all is the fact that I have some rather good turns of phrase. I don't say that pridefully ... it's just that when a line I forgot about smacks me in the face and says, "Look at me! Aren't I lovely?" I have to notice. - Rachel Heffington
Every nerve in my body says to run after Thaddeus and tell him everything. But I know there's no way he can know the truth. - Katie Crouch and Grady Hendrix, The White Glove War
And Sharkey says: Deep in the heart of darkest America. Home of the brave. He says: Listen to my heart beat. - Laurie Anderson
You would not think that birds who have no brain at all could become so friendly. I swear some of them are more intelligent than many humans, but that says more about our fellow beings than it does about the birds. - Elizabeth Aston
Morality says it all. - Petra Hermans
Immature love says, I love you because I need you, mature love says, I need you because I love you.
He who says either that the time for philosophy has not yet come or that it has passed is like someone who says that the time for happiness has not yet come or that it has passed. - Epicurus
Words only make sense when someone who says them does. - Christian Rwynn
The Bible says that to have a friend we must show ourselves friendly. To that, I say, Amen. - Toni Sorenson
My friend says she's smart. She reads a book to fall asleep. - Nicholaa Spencer
The Reality of The Other Person Lies Not In What He Reveals To You, But What He Cannot Reveal To You.Therefore, If You Would Understand Him, Listen Not To What He Says, But Rather To What He Does Not Say. - Kahlil Gibran
Two sodium atoms are walking along the street when one stops and says, "Oh my God, I think I've lost an electron!" "Are you sure?" asks the other sodium atom. "Yes," replies the first sodium atom, "I'm positive." - Anonymous
Whenever you find a man who says he doesn't believe in a real Right and Wrong, you will find the same man going back on this a moment later. - C. S. Lewis
If a man says something in the woods and there are no women there, is he still wrong? - Steven Wright
The power of the Will in a man, is favoured by the Heavens. The man who sets his Heart and Word onto something, and says "I will" no matter what obstacle is placed in his way— joins the ranks of the demi-gods. All else remain in mortality and are soon forgotten. - C. JoyBell C.
Anyone who says writing is easy isn't doing it right. - Amy Joy
Sleep my friend and you will seeThat dream is my realityThey keep me locked up in this cageCan't they see it's why my brain says Rage - Metallica Welcome Home Sanitarium
The Christian Journey is not just to a place "Heaven", it is also to a person "Jesus". Ephesians 4:13 says "Till we all come to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ - Kingsley Opuwari Manuel
I asked tom if countries always apologize when they had done wrong, and he says, 'Yes, the little one does.' - Mark Twain
She starts to cry. 'It's just so terrible,' she says.'Which part?,' I ask.'Being human. - A.M. Homes
A spiritual man is happy with the whole existence. He says "yes" to the whole existence. - Swami Dhyan Giten
I'm impressed when men go the distance to show they give a damn. That says nothing about the woman and everything about the man. - Donna Lynn Hope
The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it. - Chinese Proverb
When the messenger arrives and says 'Don't shoot the messenger,' it's a good idea to be prepared to shoot the messenger, just in case. - Howard Tayler
The earth keeps turning but it never says why. - Marty Rubin
God says only one thing if you want to have attachment towards worldly life; go ahead and get attached to it; or else, get attached to Me. If you get attached to Me, you will get permanent happiness and if you get attached to the worldly life, you will not find contentment! - Dada Bhagwan
Policeman says, "Son you can't stay here"I said, "There's someone I'm waiting for if it's a day, a month, a year"Gotta stand my ground even if it rains or snowsIf she changes her mind this is the first place she will go - The Script
A stupid man's report of what a clever man says can never be accurate, because he unconsciously translates what he hears into something he can understand. - Bertrand Russell
A professional headshot in front of a bookshelf says you're an intellectual. A professional headshot peeking though a bookshelf says you're probably under a restraining order. - Ryan Lilly
The ribbon on my wrist says: Do not open before Christmas. - Fall Out Boy
Haleine contre haleine, échauffe-moi la vie,Mille et mille baisers donne-moi je te prie,Amour veut tout sans nombre, amour n’a point de loiTranslated: Breath against breath warms my life.A thousand kisses give me I pray thee.Love says it all without number,love knows no law. - Pierre de Ronsard
There's one way to find out if a man is honest: ask him; if he says yes, you know he's crooked. - Mark Twain
Three years later and I’m still writing about you. I don’t know if that says more about you or I. - Dominic Riccitello
Jesus Christ says, 'Kill me and in 3 days, not only this temple, but all temples in the whole world will be out of business.' This is the most stunning thing any human being has ever said. - Timothy J. Keller
Tracer lighting up the sky.It's another families' turn to die.A child afraid to even cry out says,He has been here.And I see no bravery,No bravery in your eyes anymore.Only sadness. - James Blunt
What God says to His Church at any given period depends altogether upon her moral and spiritual condition and upon the spiritual need of the hour. - A.W. Tozer
A diplomat who says yes means maybe", a diplomat who says maybe" means no, and a diplomat who says no is no diplomat. - Charles Maurice de Talleyrand-Périgord
-What do you hate most? he asks.-A lie. And you?-Ownership, he says. When you leave me, forget me. - Michael Ondaatje
If someone says something about your art that makes you feel bad, disregard it and joyfully make more art. - Gayle Wray
When you do what someone else wants you to do, you are wasting your time. Don’t get tricked by other people’s thinking. The life is yours and so are goals. Believe in your own intuitions, speak your own voice, and follow what your heart says. The rest is secondary. - Ashish Patel
Parsifal is on his way to the temple of the Grail Knights and says: I hardly move, yet far I seem to have come, and the all-knowing Gurnemanz replies: You see, my son, time turns here into space - Richard Wagner
My mother says we’re supposed to make mistakes. That’s the way we learn. Rocky Ryan in Bully At Ambush Corner. - Karen Mueller Coombs
Tatiana is a ridiculously curvy thing of dreams, with smooth succulent thighs, long strawberry blond cascading beneath a teal bandana, and a nympho sparkle in her eyes that says pick me, lick me, spank me, or I punish you. Raw innocence and mayhem at once. - Brett Tate
The law says you have the right to hold a nigger, but begging the law's pardon, it lies. . . Is everything right because the law allows it? Suppose they'd pass a law taking away your liberty and making you a slave? - Solomon Northup
Wiping the tears off another’s eyes is one of the sweetest and coolest gestures ever. It says, I am here if you need to talk or a shoulder to lean on. I may not understand your pains but I would do anything to keep the tears from falling. - Omoakhuana Anthonia
Why should I care?’ The one who says this is the greatest offender of nature. - Dada Bhagwan
The Man who says he can, and the man who says he can not.. Are both correct - Confucius
Master Chekhov says Man is what he believes. From here we conclude that when Man believes in a crap, Man becomes a crap! - Mehmet Murat ildan
I always have my own opinion before my boss says his. - Gerry Geek
Nothing says work efficiency like panic mode. - Don Roff
When someone who is known for being comedic does something straight, it' s always 'a big breakthrough' or a 'radical departure.' Why is it no one ever says that if a straight actor does comedy? Are they presuming comedy is easier? - Carol Burnett
When the world says that values are different nowadays - under the definition of freedom, it tries to convince you that GOD doesn't know what he is talking about - Farid F. Ibrahim
Why is there so much problem just to know one’s own Soul? The Soul resides in one’s own abode (body), but one doesn’t know it and then he says, ‘I know this and I know that so’. Instead why don’t you get to know your own ‘Self’? - Dada Bhagwan
Alcohol may be man's worst enemy, but the bible says love your enemy. - Frank Sinatra
Like a father with his daughter, the writist plays peek-a-boo with the world. His aim is to evoke that sweet smile, the one that says "i remember you. I am glad you are here again". - D.A. Botta
Read and be curious. And if somebody says to you: 'Things are this way. You can't change it' - don't believe a word. - Cornelia Funke
We must remember that the most powerful medicine we can offer for suffering of any kind is simply kindness. It says, "You're not alone. I see you; I hear you; I'm with you. - Ponlop
This is the funniest book I’ve ever held in my hands. --, Pulitzer Prize winning humorist and author says about Radical Sabbatical - Dave Barry
When a man says he approves of something in principle, it means he hasn't the slightest intention of putting it into practice. - Otto von Bismarck
I won't say ours was a tough school, but we had our own coroner. We used to write essays like "What I'm Going to be If I Grow Up - Lenny Bruce
Words only make sense when the person who says them means a lot. - Christian
A person who says his expertise lies in selling only a particular product, but for other products some else of their team has the capability to makes sales; is actually playing office politics in spite of the management considering him consistently the star performer in the organisation. - Anuj Somany
says Semtex goes BOOM! Handle his books with care. - Jimmy Boom Semtex
Anyone who says failure is not an option has also ruled out innovation. - Seth Godin
Who is more humble? The scientist who looks at the universe with an open mind and accepts whatever the universe has to teach us, or somebody who says everything in this book must be considered the literal truth and never mind the fallibility of all the human beings involved? - Carl Sagan
Hope is the little bird that continues to sing the songs of possibilities in your heart when everything else says to give up. - Debasish Mridha
He arches his back because when you forgive, the body says, "Thank God. - Edmond Manning
I’ve always wondered why women are expected to deny their true age. Why? To be a woman of 50 and up is a badge of triumph—a hard-earned certificate that says you survived the shallowness, the violence, the meanness, and the caprice of a male-dominated society without losing your mind! - Psyche Roxas-Mendoza
Man is hypocrite! He says that he loves flowers but he kills them for his own simple interests and for his own joy! Man is hypocrite! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Here we are at last. The Italian proverb says See Naples and die but I say, see Naples and live; for there seems a great deal worth living for. - Arthur John Strutt
You can swim, too." he says. "Where did you learn that in District Twelve?""We have a very big bathtub. - Suzanne Collins
I question the moral integrity of anyone who says they have no regrets. - Michel Templet
Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another: What! You too? I thought I was the only one. - C. S. Lewis
Immature love says: 'I love you because I need you.' Mature love says 'I need you because I love you. - Erich Fromm
For an author to write as he speaks is just as reprehensible as the opposite fault, to speak as he writes; for this gives a pedantic effect to what he says, and at the same time makes him hardly intelligible - Arthur Schopenhauer
I think being a woman is like being Irish... Everyone says you're important and nice, but you take second place all the time. - Iris Murdoch
I want to be free, I want to be happy, I want to be at peace, I want to be me. I guess what I want in this world is what money surely brings. Don't blame me, for the Bible says "Money Answers All Things! - Tice Davids aka David T. Parker
If you truly believe you need to pick a mobile phone that "says something" about your personality, don't bother. You don't have a personality. A mental illness, maybe - but not a personality. - Charlie Brooker
When God says He got you, you're got. And you can't be un-got. - Lana M. H. Wilder
It's better to swim in the sea belowThan to swing in the air and feed the crow,Says jolly Ned Teach of Bristol. - Benjamin Franklin
When the world says you can't God always says; you can do all thing through himd who empowers you. - Adisa Ade
Max Lucado says that ‘A man who wants to lead the orchestra must turn his back on the crowd.’ That is true and a man who wants to find out the truth must also do the same thing! - Mehmet Murat ildan
When a blind man says, 'God is good,' this should be an eye-opener to those who can see. - Anthony Liccione
Girls, if a boy says something that isn't funny, you don't have to laugh. - Amy Poehler
For the first time in human history, most people are doing things that could never interest a child enough to want to tag along. That says less about the child than about us. - Anthony Esolen
anyone who says, ‘You fool!’ will be in danger of the fire of hell. - Anonymous
A person can always know the character of the people by their face, but it is possible perhaps only to one who says only what he means and ,therefore, remains often on the life's challenging phase. - Anuj Somany
He says "You are my property" and I feel relieved. After all, no one wishes to shatter what he owns. - Malak El Halabi
On page 607, alluding to the end of my first marriage (and carefully remembering to state that that's none of his business), he very sweetly says that I 'might leave a wife, but not a friend.' Nice try. Neat smear. But he shouldn't be so sure.... - Christopher Hitchens
Everyone says that you should live like there is no tomorrow, but I think it’s even more important to live like there is no yesterday. Your future means so much more than your past. - John A. Ashley
Everybody says I am NOBODY,and you know NOBODY is Perfect. - shaikh mustafa
Isn't it funny that anything the Supreme Court says is right? - Robert Frost
People unfit for freedom - who cannot do much with it - are hungry for power. The desire for freedom is an attribute of a "have" type of self. It says: leave me alone and I shall grow, learn, and realize my capacities. The desire for power is basically an attribute of a "have not" type of self. - Eric Hoffer
Everyone says "i will never" and "one should never" but, actually, "No one can Resist Miss-using Power (at-least ones) when they have it". - honeya
I am far too often the author of terribly poor decisions. Yet I must rest in the unalterable fact that God says I am far better than what the sum total of those decisions would ever suggest. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
When an intelligent person says a stupid thing, it is still a stupid thing. - Marty Rubin
He says gods like to see an atheist around. Gives them something to aim at. - Terry Pratchett
What does religion say? It says that if you care for others then you will meet others who will care for you and if you hit others, you will meet others who will hit you. This is what all relative religions say. - Dada Bhagwan
I've broken an arm before, but no one wanted to shoot me!' Suzie says. 'I mean, when you go to the emergency room I hope to God the doctors don't decide it might cost too much to care for.' -Suzie Schwab co-owner of East Maui Animal Refuge - Toni Polancy
I thought about one of my favorite Sufi poems, which says that God long ago drew a circle in the sand exactly around the spot where you are standing right now. I was never not coming here. This was never not going to happen. - Elizabeth Gilbert
Goth was sort of the melancholy cousin of punk that says: there's a lot of evil in this world, there's a lot of very mean spirited people and that makes me sad. - Aurelio Voltaire Hernández
Whatever she says to you, it’s your jobnot to let her make you mad. - Harper Lee
Stephen Hawking says we will not survive another 1,000 years without escaping beyond our planet. This existence problem can be solved by increasing the number of people with free-minds! Because just like the free birds only the free minds can reach the new horizons! - Mehmet Murat ildan
The Buddha taught complete honesty, with the extra instruction that everything a person says should be truthful and helpful. - Sylvia Boorstein
And you realize that there’s no such thing as an individual, we’re just all a collection of each other’s influence on each other. Everyone says things to each other, the television, your parents, your friends, that’s all we are, is a collection of intermingling ideas as a collective. - Matt Bellamy
There's one way to find out if a man is honest-ask him. If he says, "Yes," you know he is a crook. - Groucho Marx
The church says the earth is flat; but I have seen its shadow on the moon, and I have more confidence even in a shadow than in the church. - Ferdinand Magellan
In order to improve our life for good always remember that regardless of what anyone else says and does, we are ultimately responsible for our own actions. This is the only way to experience victory, joy, and satisfaction every day of our lives. - Donald Pillai
A European says: I can't understand this, what's wrong with me? An American says: I can't understand this, what's wrong with him?I make no suggestion that one side or other is right, but observation over many years leads me to believe it is true. - Terry Pratchett
And still, after all this time,The sun never says to the earth,"You owe Me."Look what happens withA love like that,It lights the Whole Sky. - Hafez
My mother says I'm crazy, I'm not crazy, I just have a different way of looking at things. - James Kidd
Go past the insecurity. Go past the little voice that says doing that thing will hurt you. Instead let the pain flow through you, and just hold on. At that very point, you will find yourself invincible. - Rishank Jhavar
Life, Stormy says, is not about how fast you run or even with what degree of grace. It's about perseverance, about staying on your feet and slogging forward no matter what. - Dean Koontz
A chief is a man who assumes responsibility. He says 'I was beaten', he does not say 'My men were beaten. - Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
My person says I don’t understand cause and effect. That’s not true, I get it: roll in the mud, you get the bath. But what shedoesn’t understand is, sometimes it’s just plain worth it. - Belle, Dog Only Knows - Terry Kaye
Two forces pervade human life, the Gita says: the upward thrust of evolution and the downward pull of our evolutionary past. - Eknath Easwaran
Bob says hello. - Rick Riordan
Death, I need my little addiction to you. I need that tiny voice who, even as I rise from the sea, all woman, all there, says kill me, kill me. - Anne Sexton
If what Proust says is true, that happiness is the absence of fever, then I will never know happiness. For I am possessed by a fever for knowledge, experience, and creation. - Anais Nin
To do his best, one needs a confidence that says, "I can do anything, and if I can't do it, I know how to get help. - Ben Carson
Never let someone who draws a line and say you can't cross it intimidate you. Don't be discouraged when someone says you can't do it. You might have been the only one sent to do it. - Israelmore Ayivor
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